As you can see below, I have made a lot of progress!

I am going to be using these mini/small accordian style file folders to keep my lil ones organized. They will use this to put their fish words (high frequency words), spelling words, and math facts in. I am super excited to use these. I hope they turn out to be as cool as Im picturing it. :)
The Calendar and Weather Frog!
So as you can see I have made a lot of progress in my classroom. I went to school today to laminate a few things, and just stood in my room staring at the everything... I had no idea what else to do! I know I have a lot of organizing to do within the cabinets but that didn't sound fun! :) I told myself that since this week is my last FULL week at home before heading back to work, I am not allowed to go to school anymore this week! I am on SUMMER vacation and deserve to stay away for a few more weeks.
That however doesnt mean I wont be working on things at home! haha. I actually have two HUGE projects I need to be working on. We will see if I actually get any of them done. Im too obsessed with going to the pool all day, and hanging out with friends all night. :)
One of my projects is actually pinterest inspired.

My other project is putting together my library. I have been procrastinating this job for now 3 summers. I am not looking forward to it one bit at all. I know once its all said and done, I will be really happy to have it all put together. :) I just know its going to take a lot of work, and time to get it as organizing as I am wanting it! OH WELL!!!
Until next time... enjoy your the rest of your HOT summer days.